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Pregnancy is an amazing time for all women.  It is a great time to enjoy focusing on your posture, gentle stretching, toning and relaxing rather than aiming to “get fit” through rigorous exercise.

If you were not active or exercised regularly before your pregnancy, check with your doctor or midwife before starting a new exercise programme.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ACOG) recommend exercising at least 2 times a week for approximately 30 minutes each time.
Post Natal Pilates

Classes run in 10 week terms and the cost of £90 is payable at the outset.


Payment for the whole term keeps costs down and encourages you to attend! If you cant make a day- come another day. If you are going on holiday - do two classes the week before! (See Ts&Cs)


Call us for more information.

1:1Classes & 
           Small groups

We provide pilates in your home or in our Chesham Clinic.


This can be an ongoing arrangement, for treatment of a condition, or to give you the confidence to join a class.


Call Nicky for further details and prices

We are planning new classes in Chorleywood and one in Little Chalfont.


Amersham & The Chalfonts are to follow.


Let us know when & where you would like to see a class.


Get some friends together and we could have it up and running in no time!

New Classes
		Post Natal Pilates


Wednesday      19:00       Beginners


Tuesday            20:15       Beginners



Post Natal Classes

White Hill Centre, Chesham
Benefits of General Exercise in Pregnancy

More positive subjective pregnancy experience
Improved self confidence and body image
May help prevent gestational diabetes (RCOG, 2006)
Increased social support
Maintenance of CV fitness
Preparation for labour (RCOG, 2006)
Improved breath awareness and control
Improved circulation
Assistance in post natal recovery
Maintenance of muscle length and flexibility
Maintenance of healthy weight
Increased body awareness and control
Increased co-ordination (RCOG, 2006)

Benefits of Modified Pilates in Pregnancy